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发布时间:2020-03-07 20:15:15  来源:互联网 游览:



  Reports like “China‘s Virus Censorship and Propaganda Draw Backlash” on the Wall Street Journal and “Coronavirus Weakens China’s Powerful Propaganda Machine” from the New York Times will confidently tell you that China is losing its anti-virus battle—something is wrong with our governance and media, apparently。


  However, the general picture is just the opposite。 


  Bad figures have been going down since mid-February, good figures are going up。 Most provinces outside Hubei and most cities outside Wuhan have reported few or no infections and deaths in their daily release。 No social unrest。 Daily life is fine。 


  Governance? There are now more hospital beds than patients。 One makeshift hospital has just closed due to low capacity。 Warning alerts are being downgraded across the board。 Businesses are getting back step by step。 Plus, decisions to promote officials with outstanding performances are replacing those without。


  Media? Indeed, like a cheer-leading team, telling heroic deeds in hospitals and communities, while also reporting and questioning what went wrong。


  What else do you expect from good governance and journalism? In times of crisis, consoling and confidence are desperately needed as a shot in the arm rather than finger pointing。 Imagine you were self-confined。 What might encourage you to stay calm?


  Dr。 Bruce Aylward, who led a WHO inspection team to Wuhan and other cites, told Vox.com about his two “takeaways” he found while in China。 

  布鲁斯•艾尔沃德博士刚刚率领世界卫生组织联合考察组去过武汉等地,他在接受Vox.com (美国沃克斯传媒旗下的新闻及评论网站)采访时,分享了此次中国行的两点感悟。


  One is speed, “I think the key learning from China is speed–it‘s all about the speed。 The faster you can find the cases, isolate the cases, and track their close contacts, the more successful you’re going to be。”


  The other is action。 “If you settle down, roll up your sleeves and begin that systematic work of case finding and contact tracing, you definitely can change the shape of the outbreak, take the heat out of it, and prevent a lot of people from getting sick and a lot of the most vulnerable from dying。”


  It‘s normal to see criticism emerging in societies, especially during a health outbreak。 But if such mishaps don’t reflect the general picture, why are they being highlighted? Remember the ancient fable about the blind men and an elephant? The six men quarrel about the animal‘s overall appearance because they are only touching one part of its body and imagine it to be the whole。


  But here, we have more than just stupid mistakes, they smear China by exaggerating negative incidents and turning opinions to facts。 Are they being honest with facts? Partially true, but deliberately off-balance。 


  That‘s an old trick, following a stereotyped pattern—first, eye-catching headlines with words like “government censorship” or “propaganda machine”。 Then find complaints on social media。 Finally, piece them all together。 If you are a long-term subscriber of such media, now you see a China with no hope as “public cynicism running high” and Beijing facing the “biggest challenge to its legitimacy in decades”。

  老把戏了!还有个套路:首先标题要吸引眼球,比如“政府审查”,比如 “宣传机器”;接着去社交媒体搜集百姓的抱怨;最后,七拼八凑。你要是这类媒体的长期用户,那就会觉得,中国没希望了,“百姓怨声载道”,“对北京(指中国政府)合法性的挑战程度为数十年之最”。

  It is how the Wall Street Journal misdiagnosed China as the real sick man of Asia。


  The whole situation is going from bad to worse?Well, Morgan Stanley has just picked China, Singapore and Australia stocks as virus shelters。 Are they being silly?


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